rating making organization" for property insurance.
Loss Cost Quotes, Public Protection Classes & Building Code Effectiveness Classes - Phone service is available to help you determine the class of protection or the BGEG class for a location, and or the loss cost for a specifically rated property.
Copies of Surveys and Reports - Copies of surveys and reports are available to our affiliated companies and their producer at a nominal charge. These surveys contain underwriting information that may be of value to an insurer. These surveys can be used to determine if changes in the property, the operation or the protection would produce savings for the insureds.
Tentative Rates - The Bureau will provide tentative (estimated) loss costs for property not currently rated and not eligible for Fire Class Rates. These tentative loss cost are only as good as the information provided.
Proposed Construction or Proposed Changes Evaluations - Insured's and their producers can request a construction\protection matrix that will provide a complete set of tentative loss costs that covers all possible class of construction and all classes of public protection. The matrix can be for sprinklered or non-sprinklered or for both. These can be either generic or based on details provided by the insured.
Plan Review - The Bureau will review and make recommendations for changes that could effect advisory loss costs. Recommendation cover building construction, and changes to sprinkler systems, restaurant hood and vents, and other systems that effect property insurance loss costs.
Field Rep. Visits - The Bureau's Field Rating Representatives are available to meet with insured's and producers upon request. Our representative can answer questions about any of the Bureau services or functions.
Optional Services - In conjunction with ISO, Inc., the Bureau provides the same personal and commercial underwriting reports available in other states. The ordering and billing is handled via ISO Inc. This is available only to our affiliated companies.